Ongoing Implementation
I acknowledge that after attending this Workshop, I have the right to facilitate the use of the PER-K® processes in private one-to-one sessions, either professionally or personally, with clients or others, for monetary gain or otherwise, at my discretion. Furthermore, I am authorized to use the title of PER-K® Catalyst to describe my status with respect to my use of PER-K®, in marketing or other printed materials. This designation does not imply Certification of any kind in PER-K®. The designation as Certified is reserved for those who have completed a certification program including Certified PER-K® Catalyst or Certified PER-K® Instructors.
Further, while I have the right to facilitate PER-K® with others as outlined above, I agree not to teach the PER-K® processes to others in any way, to groups or individuals, professionally or otherwise. I further agree not to post any video presentations of PER-K® processes, or demonstrations on the internet, or other electronic media.
The PER-K® process is strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. The PER-K® process is not designed to diagnose medical problems, nor is it a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care.
Copyrights and Trademarks
I acknowledge that The Myrddin Corporation (d.b.a. The PER-K® Centre for Sustainable Success) is the owner, and/or the exclusive licensee of certain rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, concepts, and confidential trade secrets, workbooks, handouts and materials pertaining to the PER-K® program. I further acknowledge and agree that the PER-K® training materials, logos and other trade symbols used in PER-K® Workshops and on the
PER-K® website (www.per-k.com) are proprietary, intellectual property of The Myrddin Corporation, and I agree not to reproduce, in whole or in part, or to utilize, plagiarize or imitate any of the PER-K® concepts, technology, and strategies, or the handouts, materials, or website graphics, in any manner, without the express written consent of The Myrddin Corporation.
Furthermore, I agree not to record, in whole or in part, in any manner, including audio, video or photographs, any part of the instructions or experiential portions of the Workshop.
I understand that I may use the PER-K® name on my website, business card or other printed materials, provided I use all capital letters and include the registered trademark symbol (®). I may not use the PER-K® name (whether upper or lower case letters) as part of a website domain name or URL, or as part of an email address or social network profile and/or page name.
I may also use the Triangle logo (above right, available to PER-K® Cataysts), however the spirals logo (above, left) may be used only by The Myrddin Corporation or its Certified Instructors.
I agree to be bound by, and will comply with all the conditions of this Agreement. I agree that I will not be informed about the acceptance of this Agreement by The Myrddin Corporation.
Further, I agree that this form be forwarded to and kept by my contractual partner, The Myrddin Corporation, (d.b.a. The PER-K® Centre International), 829 Ridgeview Way, Crestone, Colorado, USA, that may store it electronically, using a third party IT service.